Stevie's Coolest SongsCh. 721rock
From the first by Joey Ramone, to the latest by the Cocktail Slippers, hear every Coolest Song in the World from Little Steven's Underground Garage! From the bands that broke through like Green Day & the White Stripes, to the classic artists making records today like Paul McCartney and Jeff Beck, to the Coolest Songs made five minutes ago in the garage!

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Crash Boom Bang
- The Bayonets
I Like That Peggy Jones
- Kaiser George & The Hi-Risers
- Prima Donna
My Heart Is Big And Broken
- Sweet Teeth
Peggy's House
- Joy Buzzer
- Ryan Hamilton & The Harlequin Ghosts
Count On You
- The New Bardots
The World's Gone Insane
- The Empty Hearts
Three Women
- Jack White
Rock You Up
- Romantics
Ooh Baby Ooh
- The Master Plan
- Taxi Girls
Super Hexbreaker
- The Fleshtones
My Wena
- Bowling for Soup
Gotta Get You (Out Of My Head)
- Satelliters
Is It True?
- Carla Olson and Tall Poppy Syndrome
You're Gonna Miss Me
- 13th Floor Elevators
The Wrecking Crew
- The Tearaways
Dreaming In Stereo
- The Jellybricks
Warm in the Winter
- Kurt Baker
Tiny Pieces
- Bash & Pop
- Olivia Jean & April March
I've Just Seen A Face
- The Weeklings
Nice Guys Finish Last
- Green Day